Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Week in Writing #528 - Happy Birthday and then Happy Birthday!

Hope everyone is staying safe, and, of course, writing.

The birthday stuff is real. I had mine on Wednesday the 25th and then my sons had theirs on Saturday the 28th. I only mention it since it did impact writing this past week, as we actually went out to dinner twice in three days. We had a good time though, which is what really counts, and I got some cool gifts along the way.

The real story is LA Comic-Con, which seems to be rushing at us like a freight train. I think we're about as prepared as we can be, but there is bound to be something we missed. But it's a necessary step in the process of trying to grow our audience, which is what I hope happens as a result.

If you're going, were in Small Press SP304. And if that wasn't enough, we're participating in the Floor Tour, organized by Don Nguyen, who has been a guest on our podcast. The flyer is pretty self-explanatary:

And, if that weren't enough, we're also part of a panel: Under the Radar. If you remember, we did this same panel at LA Comic-Con back in 2022. This time, we've upgraded the moderator, from me, to John Barber and the guests are pretty impressive as well, Erik Arreaga (Chingona) and Steven Prince (Monster Matador).

And there are also these three stragglers, me and the boys behind Powers Squared.

We had a pre-panel discussion on Friday's podcast, On the Air with Powers Squared. Erik wasn't able to attend, but we had a good discussion with John and Steven. You can listen to it now here or watch it on Wednesday at 2:30 pm on our YouTube Channel. Our better yet, you could attend the panel in person to lend support.

The rest of the time, I spent editing Skylar. I'm finally at the part where I need to do some more writing to tie the story up. That may have to wait until after the Con.

No new review from me this week, as we went out for dinner on Saturday. But there were still reviews on Trophy Unlocked, with a Wednesday Game Day review of The WereCleaner by Trevor and then the Saturday Morning Review was also his for The Wild Robot, which we squeezed in on Friday afternoon.

The next week will probably be Powers Squared-centric, as the Con is coming and I also have to work on the newsletter, which, like this missive, will be delayed one day because of the Con.

Well, that about does it for me. Keep writing and I'll see you next week, only on a Monday.

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