Sunday, March 2, 2025

A Week in Writing #550 - Busy March Ahead

Hope everyone is staying safe, and, of course, writing.

I think this is going to be a busy month for me and for Powers Squared. Not only is the 24th issue of the comic book coming out on March 26th, but we're also introducing Trevor's own comic book, The Blade of Miracles, which drops a week earlier on the 19th. And, if that wasn't enough, we're tabling at WonderCon on the 28 through 30th. Come look for us in Small Press, SP-5. This one of those moments when it seems like it could easily get overwhelming, even if that was the only thing going on.

We should be pretty well set for WonderCon. The only thing missing are the trades that I had sent to the bookstore in Hawaii. Since they didn't sell, I thought it would be cheaper to have them returned than to order new ones. I hope that strategy pays off. I first contacted the bookstore about it in mid-January about returning them for WonderCon, and after multiple follow ups, they finally sent them back on Friday the 28th, and then sent them via Media Mail, thinking it would take 4 to 6 weeks to get to me. The timing of that really sucks, but according to Informed Delivery, I should receive them by March 17. Still, I'm not sure why it took so long to get them in the mail and why you'd send them on a timetable that would mean I wouldn't get them until after the event I needed them for?

A lot of work came through for Powers Squared, with both Trevor and Jen finishing 8 pages, well 7 in the latter's case. So, we're about four to five pages away on two issues. We also got in some new artwork from Rachel Wells for the trade we're hoping to put out this year. So more to come on that front as well.

We had Australian comic book creator Lucas Scheffel on our podcast for the 10th time. This time he was on the show to promote his coming Kickstarter for Ned Kelly: The 5 Revolvers #1 | Graphic Novel (which you can find by clicking on the link). You can listen to the podcast now here or watch it on our YouTube channel on Wednesday after 2:30 pm, here. And don't forget you can tune in and watch it LIVE every Friday at 6pm at

This was also newsletter day today. Did you get your copy of The Hound Dogs' Howl? If you didn't, please sign up here.

My review of Anora, went up this afternoon, ahead of the Oscars. Paul's review of Daredevil (+ Director's Cut) was Trophy Unlocked's Saturday Morning Review. We also watched Conclave last night, but that review won't go up until some time after Awards season is over.

Did some work this week on Blackmail including a thousand+ word sit down on Friday afternoon. I'm about 9200 words in and it's more a mater of time than things to write.

So this week, have to make sure all the books are uploaded for publication and write a news release about all that's going to happen this month.

I hear you, what no querying? No, sorry that's something that I didn't get to this week. I may not get to it until April at the earliest, given all that needs to get done this month.

Well, that about does it for me. Keep writing and I'll see you back here next week.